Thursday, May 29, 2008

Summer is here!

Ok, now I know I promised that the next post would be about the blanket I am making for my neice (which is ALMOST finished, by the way!), but I just had to write about my baby boy finishing the 1st grade! We went out last night and bought his teacher a present for being such a wonderful teacher. Aubyn said he wanted to get her some candles, and I found this really cute wall hanger that said "A journey that has a thousand steps still starts with just one." Or something like that....I can't remember it exactly. But I thought it was pretty. So we ended up with both. :-) Anyway, I wanted to go into the school with him this morning, because the silly person I am, I wanted to take a picture of him and his teacher on the last day of school. So after Aubyn was dressed and ready to go I asked him if he wanted me to walk in with him to take a picture of him and his teacher and do you know what the little rat said???? He said "I would rather you didn't." Exactly like that. When did my 7 year old start talking like an adult? Now I know I probably would have embarrassed him. I am a photo hog, and everytime I convince him to pose for a picture, I end up saying "Just one more? No really, just one more, please?" So I can understand him not wanting me to come. But I really wanted that picture! I can't wait for the day when my children will be old enough to just humor me. :-)


Sarah said...

HAHA! That's hilarious!!! I can totally see your "little rat" saying that! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I beleive dear he is already past the age of humoring you - hence the post :)

kcaimee said...

I tell you what, it's no lie about how quick these little guys grow up, is it?