Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Birthday Mania

Hey all you blog fans! I am sure the few people reading this are friends of Sarah or Aimee, since I don't know ANYONE else on here at the moment. I am new at this blogging thing, so all you professionals need to take it easy on me!

It's been a crazy month or so. My family and friends have a TON of birthdays in April and May and between all the birthdays and Sarah's wedding, I have been a little out of sorts. But in a good way! ;-)

I know it's only the first week of May, so you may be wondering how I could've celebrated that many birthdays don't even want to go there!

I'll see if I can break it down for you a little: My friend, Allison's birthday was April 5th, and my hubby's was April 8th. My brother-in-law's birthday was April 21st, and we left for New York on the 22nd. Sarah's wedding was on the 25th, my sister's birthday was April 29th. My own birthday was May 3rd, my mom's birthday AND my nephew's birthday were on May 5th, and my son's birthday was yesterday, May 6th.

If that weren't enough, my sister recently married a man who has a daughter from a previous relationship. HER birthday is on May 9th. Plus, Sarah's birthday is May 12th and my friend Aimee's birthday is May 13th. (For those of you linking here from Aimee's site, I know her birthday was yesterday as well. I know another Aimee that spells her name the same way!)

Birthday Mania has been keeping me pretty busy. I am looking forward to Summer!

Please stay tuned for my next post. As soon as my hubby brings me home the photo CD's he has in his car I will be posting some pictures of blankets I have crocheted.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Wow! Happy birthday to everyone!! :)