In March I went out and got a part-time job as a cashier at the new Petsmart that opened up right by my house. We needed some extra money, I love animals, and it was so close to my house that I thought it would be a good fit. When they called me the very day after I submitted my application, I knew it was meant to be! Now, I have never really worked with animals before (aside from dog and cat-sitting), and I know next to nothing about them, so I wasn't sure how it would all work out. We had two weeks of training that ended with a huge training weekend. We watched videos, we filled out worksheets, we separated into groups and went all around the store learning about the various different kinds of animals and products we sell. And we played a game or two. The trainers were wonderful. I was dreading the whole process (because I am the biggest worrywart around!), but by the end of the weekend I had a lot of fun.
Grand Opening was a lot of fun! Just about the entire staff worked that weekend, and there were TONS of managers from other stores helping us out. A little girl named Riley got to cut the ribbon to officially open the store. She received a gift card for helping us out. There were clowns making balloon animals and face painting, there were different posts around the store with free giveaways, and there were people running around with clipboards registering "pet parents" to win prizes. We also had a photo booth for people to take pictures of their pets and make them into buttons. For the first half of my shift I got to blow up balloons and hand them out. One of our employees even dressed up in a dog suit and walked around. It was a great weekend.
Our store is lucky enough to have a Banfield vet inside of it, as well as a grooming salon, dog training classes and a Petshotel. The Petshotel provides not only boarding for dogs and cats while their parents are out of town, but Doggie Day Camp (which is like daycare for dogs! Seriously.) as well. The Petshotel just had their grand opening last weekend, and I was lucky enough to be sent over there to help out the whole weekend. The hotel was giving tours to pet parents, and I was picked to be a dog-sitter while the tours were running. I literally got to play with dogs all day for two days! It was great!
This coming week we are having a pet bikini contest! My dog would never let me get pet clothes on her, but it's going to be fun to see some dogs that will! We are going to take photos of them all. It's going to be great. Cheesy, but great.
So all in all, my new job at Petsmart is going really well. I've made tons of mistakes, but I am learning. It has been hard to be away from the kids and my hubby, but at least it's only for 2 or 3 shifts a week. Aubyn and Maddie love going in to see all the animals. They would stay there all day if I let them!