Monday, December 1, 2008


For Thanksgiving this year, Scott and I took the kids to his mom's house for dinner, and then to my parents house for dessert. And like every year, we stuffed ourselves silly with turkey, stuffing and yummy pies!

Here's a picture of Scott and I in his mom's(Susan) backyard. Our 11 year old neice, Ashley took this photo for us.

Here's Maddie modeling the turkey shirt she made at preschool. She's so proud of it! She did a wonderful job.

Here is the family photo we took in Susan's backyard. I was wanting to get a good shot for the Christmas card photo this year, but the kids were not cooperative. We did end up getting a better shot later in the day, but I'm keeping that one a secret until the Christmas cards are sent out. :)

Here is my nephew, Sawyer, enjoying his green jello with whipped cream. Mmmm.

Here is my 13 year old nephew, Austin. He is a BIG New York Giants fan. (In case you couldn't tell from his shirt) He spent dinner and dessert with my family and then his dad picked him up for the weekend.
Sawyer was apparently still hungry after his jello. He is so excited to be walking. Now he can get into EVERYTHING! :-)

After dessert we all sat down and played some dominoes. You can't go to my parents house without playing a game of dominoes. It just wouldn't be right!
All in all we had a wonderful day, and I am glad we were able to see everybody.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I wish everyone luck on their holiday shopping. LOL

1 comment:

La Yaya from far away said...

The charlston dance card was AWESOME! Alex made me play it like 10 times because he liked to see all of you dancing.
Happy Holidays to all of you!